Staircase Charolais & Red Angus is a family owned operation located southwest of Scottsbluff, Nebraska. We have been in the cattle business for over 25 years and we are dedicated to consistently improving our herd every year. We strive to breed our bulls & females for all around performance, with the balanced traits, functionality, & efficiency to excel in all aspects of the cattle industry.
Our cattle run mostly in pastures in the Wildcat Hills in the panhandle of Nebraska and over into eastern Wyoming. In the spring, they calve from February through April, and are paired out into sandhills pastures. In May they are trailed to their summer pastures in the Wildcat Hills. Heifers are A.I.d and put with bulls for 30 to 45 days, beginning May 10th. Cows have a 75 day breeding season, beginning May 20-25th. Any females that are open after that are sold. Calves are weaned in October, and in November the cows are trailed to cover crops and hay fields where they spend the winter until they come back home in February.
Our Red Angus cows typically mature at around 1200 lbs, & the Charolais at about 1500lbs. We target for moderate but heavy females with a lot of width, depth, and length, as well as good foot, leg & udder structure. They need to be efficient & productive even in adverse conditions, and they need to be able to wean a big calf without eating all the profits.
We cull meticulously for fertility, udder quality, structural soundness, phenotype, & disposition. We also implement selective mating in our herd in order to breed each female to a bull that compliments her traits, & balance their EPDs. In doing so, we produce cattle that tend to perform better, longer, & more consistently in all situations than cattle that are only bred for one or two specific traits.
Our objective is to raise and sell Charolais & Red Angus cattle that will serve the industry every step of the way, from the cow/calf producer, to the yearling operator, to the feeder, to the packer, and to the consumer.
The end product is just as important as the beginning.

Thank you for your interest in Staircase Charolais & Red Angus! If you would like to know more about our cattle or would like to visit & see them in person, call, text, or Contact Us!
308-631-1952 (Amy)
-The Cross Family